10/8/ · Wikipedia is a great jumping-off point in terms of figuring out what to search for, but double-check all of the facts by using credible sources of information. Use online scholarly databases such as InfoTrac, LexisNexis, and EBSCO, which provide access to the latest research in hundreds of areas 12/23/ · Google Scholar is free to use, and you can choose to look for any type of publishing format. JSTOR. JSTOR is an online library of all kinds of sources, such as books, articles, and journals. Even though access is limited, it can be a great help for students 7/25/ · Government and educational websites .gov blogger.com), such as those of universities, are your safest bet for finding accurate information with no hidden agenda. You might be tempted to use and cite Wikipedia, but you need to be very careful with this as it is not considered a proper academic source
List of Credible Sources for Research. Examples of Credible Websites
You need reputable sources for your homework, and you need them now. Google Scholar was created as a tool to congregate scholarly literature on the web. From one place, students have the ability to hunt for peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, credible websites for research papers, abstracts and articles from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. Google Books allows web users to browse an index of thousands of credible websites for research papers, from popular titles to old, to find pages that include your search terms.
Once you find the book you are looking for, you can credible websites for research papers through pages, find online reviews and learn where you can get a hard copy. Operated by the company that brings you Word, PowerPoint and Excel, Microsoft Academic is a reliable, comprehensive research tool. The search engine pulls content from over million publications, including scientific papers, conferences and journals.
You can search directly by topic, credible websites for research papers, or you can search by an extensive list of fields of study.
Department of Energy. The site utilizes databases from over 70 countries. When users type a query, it hits databases from all over the world and will display both English and translated results from related journals and academic resources.
gov is operated and maintained by the Office of Science and Technical Information, the same department that collaborates on WorldWideScience. This search engine pulls from over 60 databases, over 2, websites and million pages of journals, documents and scientific data. Search results can be filtered by author, date, topic and format text or multimedia. This is especially handy for those in need of math help.
However, the engine pulls from over one billion web pages, encyclopedias, credible websites for research papers, journals and books. It is similar to Google in its functionality, except that it focuses more on scientific and academic results—meaning more results will come from. edu or. org sites, as well as online encyclopedias. It also has an option to search documents directly—providing easy access to PDFs of academic papers. Populated by the U. Department of Education, the Educational Resources Information Center ERIC is a great tool for academic research with more than 1.
ERIC provides access to an extensive body of education-related literature including journal articles, books, research syntheses, conference credible websites for research papers, technical reports, policy papers and more. The Virtual Learning Resources Center VLRC is an online index hosting thousands of scholarly websites, all of which are selected by teachers and librarians from around the globe.
The site provides students and teachers with current, valid information for school and university academic projects using an index gathered from research portals, universities and library internet subject guides recommended by teachers and librarians. iSeek is a great search engine for students, teachers and administrators alike. Simply ask a question or enter search topics or tools, and iSeek will pull from scholastic sources to find exactly what you are looking for.
The search engine is safe, intelligent and timesaving—and it draws from trusted resources from universities, government and established non-commercial sites. ResearchGate is a unique social networking site for scientists and researchers. Over 11 million researchers submit their work, which totals more than million publications, on the site for anyone to access. You can search by publication, data and author, or you can even ask the researchers questions.
A unique search feature allows users to select a category, which ranges from art to health to science and technology, and then see a list of internal and external resources pertaining to the topic. This site is perfect for those studying anything related to healthcare or science. PubMed Central is operated by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a division of the U.
National Library of Medicine. The database contains more than 3 million full-text journal articles. Researching legal topics? Lexis Web is your go-to for any law-related inquiries you may have. The results are drawn from legal sites, which can be filtered by criteria such as news, blog, credible websites for research papers, government and commercial.
Users can also credible websites for research papers results by jurisdiction, practice area, source and file format. Pulling up an Internet search might be second nature to you by now. But a little forethought into where you begin your hunt can make your life much easier. Save yourself the time wading through basic Google search results and utilize some of these tools to ensure your results will be up to par with academic standards.
It has since been updated to include information relevant to There are some errors in the form, credible websites for research papers. Please correct the errors and submit again.
By selecting "Submit", credible websites for research papers, I authorize Rasmussen University to contact me by email, phone or text message at the number provided. There is no obligation to enroll. Anna is a Copywriter at Collegis Education who researches and writes student-focused content on credible websites for research papers of Rasmussen University.
She believes the power of the written word can help educate and assist students on their way to a rewarding education. Posted in Student Success. Hannah Meinke Anjali Stenquist Kirsten Slyter Will Erstad This piece of ad content was created credible websites for research papers Rasmussen University to support its educational programs.
Rasmussen University may not prepare students for all positions featured within this content. Please visit www. External links provided on rasmussen. edu are for reference only. Rasmussen University is a regionally accredited private university. Google Scholar Google Scholar was created as a tool to congregate scholarly literature on the web.
Google Books Google Books allows web users to browse an index of thousands of books, credible websites for research papers, from popular titles to old, to find pages that include your search terms. Microsoft Academic Operated by the company that brings you Word, PowerPoint and Excel, Microsoft Academic is a reliable, comprehensive research tool. gov Science. Educational Resources Information Center Populated by the U.
Virtual Learning Resources Center The Virtual Learning Resources Center VLRC is an online index hosting thousands of scholarly websites, all of which are selected by teachers and librarians from credible websites for research papers the globe. iSeek iSeek is a great search engine for students, teachers and administrators alike. ResearchGate ResearchGate is a unique social networking site for scientists and researchers. PubMed Central This site is perfect for those studying anything related to healthcare or science.
Lexis Web Researching legal topics? Start searching Pulling up an Internet search might be second nature to you by now. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest Share on LinkedIn. Request More Information. Talk with an admissions advisor today. Fill out the form to receive information about: Program Details and Applying for Classes Financial Aid and FAFSA for those who qualify Customized Support Services Detailed Program Plan.
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Anna Heinrich Anna is a Copywriter at Collegis Education who researches and writes student-focused content on behalf of Rasmussen University.
Posted in Student Success college life college student resources college student tips. Academic Advice: 4 Tips for Struggling Students Looking to Get Back on Track Hannah Meinke What I Wish I Knew Before Going to Grad School Kirsten Slyter Moving from Undergraduate to Graduate: What to Expect Will Erstad
, time: 7:03Top Best Websites to Find Academic Journals, Articles & Books - Quertime

10/8/ · Wikipedia is a great jumping-off point in terms of figuring out what to search for, but double-check all of the facts by using credible sources of information. Use online scholarly databases such as InfoTrac, LexisNexis, and EBSCO, which provide access to the latest research in hundreds of areas 12/23/ · Google Scholar is free to use, and you can choose to look for any type of publishing format. JSTOR. JSTOR is an online library of all kinds of sources, such as books, articles, and journals. Even though access is limited, it can be a great help for students 7/25/ · Government and educational websites .gov blogger.com), such as those of universities, are your safest bet for finding accurate information with no hidden agenda. You might be tempted to use and cite Wikipedia, but you need to be very careful with this as it is not considered a proper academic source
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