If you are first author or corresponding author you will share 60 % of total impact of the paper. It depend if first author is corresponding author then 60 %, If both are different then this is To find this information in a full text or PDF article, first locate the article in PubMed (or another database), link to the publisher’s site (using the buttons in the upper right corner of a record), download the full text where possible, and check both the “Author Affiliation” and “Footnotes” sections (if one exists) to see if there is any mention of co-first/equal authorship for the research—this is where this 2/18/ · When there are only three or four members on a research paper team, the workload should be fairly easy to divide up, with a corresponding designation of one lead author and two or three co-authors. However, when the size of the team increases, a point is reached when co-authors become contributors. The perception of these titles can vary
Authorship: Difference Between "Contributor" and "Co-Author" - Enago Academy
Academic authorship is used as a basis for reputation, employment, and even income. Authors are writers, but where collaboration is the norm, writing is not always seen as the only criterion for being included as an author. Collecting or analysing data, contributing to the design or simply being part of a project can also count as authorship.
Who should be included on co author in research paper by-line can be controversial. For this reason, most journals and scientific communities have established ethical guidelines that regulate co-authorship.
Most journals and scientific communities have ethical guidelines that regulate authorship. Co author in research paper of different types of ethical misconduct, these have been more clearly defined in recent decades. In social sciences, humanities, law and theology, it is still quite common to publish as a single author.
Often the same person has formulated the problem, collected and edited the data, and written the text. Authorship relates to co author in research paper concept of author rights within copyright law. Only the persons that have contributed to documentation, analysis and writing are normally included as authors of a work.
It is the act of writing that forms the basis for authorship. Therefore, a person that gives some kind of contribution to documentation, formulation of ideas for the analysis, comments on the writing, or technical help would not qualify as an author, unless the person has also contributed substantially to the writing of the work. As a rule, the criteria for authorship in humanities, law and theology are absolute when it comes to the requirement for writing.
There are large collaboration projects within these disciplines as well, but unlike those in the medical co author in research paper science subjects, it is not necessary to include all contributors on the by-line. Other contributors than the writer are often mentioned in the acknowledgements.
Co-authors are usually listed alphabetically. Within social sciences, authorship is most commonly based on writing, as in the humanities, co author in research paper. However, there may be cases where authors can be included in the author list without having written. In such instances, the area of research is more relevant to the medical and science concepts of co-authorship. For example, the American Psychological Association APA has guidelines for co-authorship similar to those in medicine.
Authorship is not only attributed to persons writing a manuscript, but should include others who have made a substantial contribution to a study. If you would like to learn more about this, you can find further information on co-authorship in social sciences, humanities, law and theology on the Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees website. A scientific publication in medicine will usually have multiple authors.
What counts towards authorship is most often regulated by the Vancouver rules. As an attempt to solve problems with misuse of authorship, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors The Vancouver Groupworked out a standardized set of criteria for authorship, the Vancouver rules, co author in research paper.
Most journals, faculties and research institutions in the field of medicine support the authorship criteria of the Vancouver Group.
These rules have become an international standard for authorship in medical disciplines. Authorship should be based on the following: a Substantial contribution to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, b Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, c Final approval of the version co author in research paper be published, and d Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
All criteria a, b, c and d must be fulfilled. While in humanities and social sciences, authorship is based on writing a text, the Vancouver rules also include collaborative efforts as central to the notion of authorship. Natural sciences, mathematical and technological subjects do not have a universal standard for authorship, but guidelines and accepted practices are still available.
There are researchers who research and publish by themselves, and there are projects that consist of several thousand members, such as those at CERN, co author in research paper, where the list of authors can consist of a great number of people. Although standards vary, co author in research paper, they all require some degree of contribution and responsibility for the work. Physics is one of the areas where the Vancouver protocol does co author in research paper have a very strong foothold, simply because the work is so different from that of many other research fields.
There can be years of work behind the final results and conclusions which lead to a written article. First you establish an experiment which often includes construction of new equipment, then you measure and store results, and then you look at the results. The results are then systemized and presented as a final result. This line of work has its roots way back to people co author in research paper Galileo Galilei, who first constructed the telescope, then placed it towards the stars and noted his observations, and then, finally, he published his observations.
Let us use ALICE as an example. They started the planning of the experiment in and in the years to follow a lot of planning and design was done.
From to the experiment was constructed, built and installed, and in the fall of the first measures and results were published. Simulations were done from people with computer skills, design and putting it together was done by people with knowledge in electronics, and everybody had to contribute in the day-to-day running of the experiment.
The final analysis is verified by experts in modeling and theory. Often it is this last group that does the actual writing, but if no one built the experiment there simply would be no results to analyze…. ALICE has about members, co author in research paper. As the importance of authorship has grown, so has the average number of authors contributing to an article.
Research has become more interdisciplinary and international, and is often carried out as cooperation projects with many participants. Guest authorship: prominent people that are asked or pressurized to be on the by-line because this is expected to strengthen the project and the chances of publication. For the same reasons, persons can also be put on the by-line without being asked. Ghost authorship: persons that fulfil the criteria for authorship, but are left out of the author list, either with or without their consent.
This is especially a problem with regard to authority within a research community. A supervisor might not always protect the rights of the younger researchers in the group. The listing of authors on the by-line of an article can lead to conflict. The leader of a project may decide the order of authors. Young researchers do not always have much to say in the matter, and their contribution to the work may not be mentioned.
Conflicts concerning co-authorship are not uncommon. A study of articles in six prestigious medical journals found that every fourth article had at least one unjustified author, while every tenth article failed to include authors that should have been on the list Wislar et al, co author in research paper.
Another study has shown that more than two-thirds of corresponding authors disagreed with their co-authors regarding the contribution of each author Illakovac et al. Authorship is about taking responsibility for one's own work. Co-authors should be able to support the main results presented in a paper. Additionally, authors are expected to keep the research data that the study is based on for later examination, and should provide information about any commercial or non-commercial conflicts of interest.
Co-authorship influences the financing of research. In Norway, the government allocates money to research institutions based on authorship contribution. The money given for a publication is divided between the authors, and some measures have been taken to reward international cooperation.
Read more about the Norwegian Cristin system for further information. The main problem of co-authorship is that some people may have contributed to the publication, but not enough to be on the by-line as an author. This has led to a suggestion to establish a new system based on contribution as well as authorship. Such a system would specify the individual contribution, and this information would be made available in the published work.
One suggestion is that contributors that do not fulfill the criteria for authorship should be mentioned in the acknowledgements instead. This contribution system has so far not been a success: only some journals use it, and since there is no international classification system to describe different types of contributions, other contributors than authors are not credited for the work.
A PhD candidate has been working on an article in collaboration with her supervisor and other candidates, co author in research paper. What to do if there is a dispute over co-authorship? All the candidates and the supervisor have contributed to the writing, reviewing and collecting of data, and co author in research paper therefore all listed as co-authors on the by-line of the article.
The article is in the process of being submitted to a prestigious journal, when the leader of the research group Professor A contacts the supervisor. Professor A takes it for granted that he will be on the by-line of the article. The authors will be listed alphabetically, which means that Professor A will be the first author on the by-line.
The PhD candidate, who has done most of the work, will be listed as author number three. He has several arguments for this:. In his case: What do you think should be the criteria for authorship? What is the fairest way to list authors on the by-line of the article? Guidelines governing co-authorship vary between disciplines and even research groups.
However, there are some general principles that you should be aware co author in research paper in order to avoid authorship disputes, and also to know how to resolve such disputes if they occur.
There are two types of authorship disagreement:. The notion of academic integrity is the cornerstone of all questions of authorship; the "fundamental values of academic integrity", according to the International Center for Academic Integrity are as follows:. What is regarded as ethically correct research will differ from subject to subject, and we cannot provide information on all subjects on this site. Please refer to the Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees Etikkom for the rules governing your subject area, co author in research paper.
Honesty lies at the bottom of all this, and acts as a necessary prerequisite for trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. Being honest in your research sends a message that any falsification of data, lying, cheating, theft co author in research paper other dishonest behaviour is unacceptable.
Honesty begins with the individual researcher; it begins with you. Correct citation of your sources is one important way of being honest; but remember that honesty is not a black and white matter! Even if using a secondary source is perfectly acceptable in cases where it is impossible to get hold of the primary source, referring to a secondary source instead of the usual original source may also be a case of too much honesty, or at least an example of academic laziness.
When honesty is established as a core value, trust is a natural successor. Trust comes over time and is built on more than pure words. Trust is also a reciprocal notion; being trustworthy and trusting others go hand in hand. Only with trust can you allow yourself to build your research on that of another, and trust is thus a foundation of all academic work. Trust enables you to collaborate and share, and to present new ideas without the fear that someone will steal your work. But remember your own voice in this choir; the so-called "Chinese whispers effect" can arise from too much trust in research.
If you are keen to use primary sources in your research, you can show that you are trustworthy by not blindly trusting your supervisor's interpretation of a theory, and demonstrating that you have understood the value of using the primary source.
Co-Authorship Network
, time: 7:24What do the terms "lead author" and "co-author" mean? | Editage Insights

Co-authors should be able to support the main results presented in a paper. Reputations can be discredited if people’s names appear on a paper they have neither written nor reviewed and approved. Additionally, authors are expected to keep the research data that the study is based on for later examination, and should provide information about any commercial or non-commercial conflicts of To find this information in a full text or PDF article, first locate the article in PubMed (or another database), link to the publisher’s site (using the buttons in the upper right corner of a record), download the full text where possible, and check both the “Author Affiliation” and “Footnotes” sections (if one exists) to see if there is any mention of co-first/equal authorship for the research—this is where this 2/18/ · When there are only three or four members on a research paper team, the workload should be fairly easy to divide up, with a corresponding designation of one lead author and two or three co-authors. However, when the size of the team increases, a point is reached when co-authors become contributors. The perception of these titles can vary
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