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Western ivey application essay

Western ivey application essay

western ivey application essay

12/19/ · western ivey application essay click to continue Free essay a cricket match or “a gameplay” “cricket game” “game i saw last sunday” “a fantastic cricket last sunday, i also attended a cricket match uhs mcat entry test result , medical entrance test. I need a little help with my definition essay of “a good mother” there are Apply for admission to Western or one of its affiliated university colleges through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) 2. Ivey Application. Apply for Ivey Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO) conditional pre-admission to the Ivey HBA Program (please do not use your high school email address). Complete Years 1 & 2 At Western. Progression standards are required to maintain your conditional acceptance. Ivey AEO Application Successful Western Ivey AEO Essays. These are successful college essays of students that were accepted to Western Ivey AEO. Use them to see what it takes to get into Ivey and other top schools and get inspiration for your own essay, supplements, and short answers. These successful Western Ivey essays include the Ivey Supplementary essays

Ivey Admissions Essays | Ivey's MBA Programs

I have been an employee of the Town of Oakville Town sincefirst employed as an Instructor and Lifeguard. I was later promoted to positions of increasing responsibility, working as a Relief Supervisor and Full Supervisor western ivey application essay the summer of and respectively, one of the youngest Town western ivey application essay in these roles.

As Deck Supervisor I am the Acting Manager in the absence of the Pool Coordinator. As Manager I am responsible for the supervision of staff, operations of the pool and overseeing the safety of the patrons. I have full responsibility for the enforcement of all Ontario Pool Regulations and Town policies to ensure a safe environment. I must work to create a supportive team environment, where staff work cohesively and work is shared fairly.

There are a variety of swim programs for which I am responsible including Recreational Swims and Lessons. During recreational swims I am required to oversee staff and ensure they are aware of patron safety at all western ivey application essay by enforcing rules and communicating clear guidelines. To supervise effectively it is necessary for me to be on deck as much as possible to support staff as well as proactively working to fix situations that may emerge. I am also there to ensure that the Town is always being represented to the highest standard.

During lessons, I am required to consistently support instructors and organize classes to ensure that Town programs are delivered at the same high standard as recreational swims. Supporting instructors requires me to monitor my employees and ensure they are following the lesson requirements to the best western ivey application essay their abilities. I assist instructors in dealing with any children they may be struggling to teach as well as acting as the liaison with parents, addressing any concerns they may have.

I evaluate the work of the aquatic staff throughout the term, providing input into the formal written evaluations of staff. This position also requires me to respond to medical emergencies following guidelines and standards outlined by the Canadian Lifesaving Society, western ivey application essay. During my time with the Town, I have dealt successfully with a variety western ivey application essay incidents ranging from mild neurotrauma injuries to minor body lacerations.

Over the years however I have developed a real passion for first aid, driving me to also expand my qualifications so I am now certified to teach and examine both SFA and NL. I deal with a variety of challenging circumstances and am constantly problem solving by making compromises and judgement calls, both integral parts of the job.

Interacting with members of the public has also improved my ability to engage with people in a professional and friendly manner at all times. Overall, the skills I have aquired will prepare me for future careers, school, and life. Swimming with a Mission London is a club that I have been involved in since my first year at Western. is a Western club and a non-profit student run organization that provides one-on-one swimming lessons to those with special needs, affordably. I have taught with S. as a full-time instructor since and have had the pleasure of working with the same boy throughout my time.

This was one of my favorite shifts as I began to get to know the families and realize the benefits of those with special needs being able to swim. Many individuals are unable to do activities independently, but at swimming was an exception. They were free in the water and seeing the joy they got from swimming brought me joy too.

I wanted to assist more children and families looking for that sense of freedom, western ivey application essay, the main driver for me to get involved with S. A large part of the S. program is getting to know your child and forming a relationship with them and their parents.

This is crucial to create a personalized program for that child and work on what they hope to improve as well as accommodate for their limitations. For Jack specifically his parents expressed that they wanted him to learn front crawl as well as improve his kicking on his back. In working on his front crawl I had to use my prior knowledge of teaching and adapt it for Jack.

This required me to use my intuition as I had no prior training in working working with someone with these specific abilities. I started by first moving his arms until he created enough understanding for me just to tap his arms, and him to understand. I then western ivey application essay able to help him associate words to the action of moving his arms. This process is ongoing and takes constant reinforcement but slowly Jack is understanding the pattern of front crawl and is become more and more independent every lesson.

The connection that me and Jack have made is one that I will treasure and helped me western ivey application essay the process of teaching him. Working with Jack requires a lot of patience and attention to detail in order to be consistent from one week to the next. I welcome this opportunity to test and develop my skills in this area. During my first year, I had the pleasure of being the Get Out the Vote Campaign Commissioner on the Committee.

This position required me to lead the Marketing and Logistics Sub-committee MLC in designing a plan for marketing the election to increase student voter turnout.

This year am I back on the Elections Committee, serving on both the MLC and the Elections Governance Committee EGC. As the Manager of Voter Engagement I am responsible for overseeing and leading the MLC in creating a marketing plan to increase voter engagement. Our current projects include a video encouraging students to nominate themselves as candidates for the elections, western ivey application essay.

For this video, western ivey application essay, we placed ourselves on Concrete Beach and talked to students about elections and the University Student Council USC. Although this video intends to be informative, western ivey application essay, we believe that the best way to engage students is by making them laugh. This video hopes to engage students by using comedy and hopefully gaining traction across social media platforms. I feature in both of these promotional videos as the host, asking students questions.

With all of these efforts we hope to improve voter turnout in pursuit of a more democratic election and USC. As well as my role as Manager of Voter Engagement, I also hold the position of Governance Officer on the EGC, managing how the elections are run. The student body and its reporting entities have been critical of the EGC and this year the we face an interesting challenge due to a by-law change which required a change in the system we use to penalize infractions committed.

We are the first committee dealing with this change, requiring us to redesign and communicate a new rules and discipline matrix with little previous guidance. This process has proved to be a long and hard one, requiring many hours of work and a lot of collaboration amongst the seven members of the EGC to design a new system that is transparent, seen as fair by the students, and that will be a lasting legacy for future elections, western ivey application essay.

Our abilities to communicate, compromise and work together have been tested and improved during this process. As a requirement of both of my positions on the EGC and MLC I am required to attend all events relating to the election as well as make time between my class hours to assist in managing the elections booth, running all January and the beginning of February.

I typically spend hours at the booth every week in addition to the time spent at election events, meetings as well as the personal time that I dedicate. From January 7 to February 8th I am expected to spend hours a week dedicated to elections.

At the age of six, I was diagnosed with dyslexia as it was referred to at western ivey application essay timeexposing my struggle with reading and writing. I was tested again in western ivey application essay 12 by a psychologist, who reaffirmed my issue, specifically outlining reading comprehension as a problem area in which I scored in the 9th percentile, western ivey application essay.

This disability means I can either read accurately or fast but not both, having an effect on my ability to read textbooks and write exams. In addition, she identified anxious tendencies which can arise during tests and exams or particularly difficult times, western ivey application essay. I plan to return to England for 2 months this upcoming summer and work in a paid position in the London aviation insurance market, where I hope to start my career after graduation. Achieved through my work in student government, event planning, academic excellence, involvement across a variety of the arts, as well as my influence and leadership both inside and outside the classroom.

Me and my partner Jack received this award for our work together and the progress and connection that we made as partners at S. This award was presented to me, not just for my work with Jack, but for my help and enthusiasm with S. Presented to me by the Bronte Pool coordinator for my work as Deck Supervisor in the summer of Received due to my hard and effective work with staff cohesion and pool management, going above and beyond the requirements of my job.

Based on the knowledge I learnt from photography class at my Arts high school I was able to translate my photography style and aesthetic into event photography. Worked multiple photography jobs for a variety of ages and events requiring me to adapt accordingly. Working as a lifeguard I developed a real passion for first aid and recently expanded my qualifications so I am able to instruct and examine both the National Lifeguard NL and Standard First Aid SFA qualifications, western ivey application essay.

Responsible for the instruction and examination of all requirements outlined by the Lifesaving Society. Strong leadership skills are needed in this position as there is huge responsibility involved when certifying someone in the NL and SFA qualifications as they will be responsible for protecting lives.

These classes consist of up to 16 participants typically agedso class control and organization is essential while teaching. One of few female referees in the Golden Horseshoe Soccer League, a regional league for elite-level youth players, drawing on skills including:.

Ability to defuse a situation from getting further out of hand and demonstrate effective leadership skills. Dealing with players, coaches and spectators of all ages, including the ability to talk people down in heated situations and maintain control of the game.

In I regained a position on the Purple Spur Executive as First Year Coordinator, western ivey application essay, a highly coveted second year position. I have responsibility for reviewing all first year applications and selecting individuals for interviewing. Also responsible for interviewing and selecting the first year applicants to be on the Executive Team.

I act as a mentor and leader for the first year students, making them feel welcome on our Executive family and well as guiding them through their tasks as first year executives.

A high level of commitment is required in order to ensure were able to learn and perform choreography in time for our showcase. The commitment requirement is rising this semester in order for us to adequately be prepared for our final showcase, with western ivey application essay and a half practice every week.

Requires being able to pick up choreography quickly and effective so you are able to work with the other dancers to ensure a cohesive piece. Many late nights are dedicated to rehearsals as well as practicing outside of set rehearsal times to ensure total competence of the choreography.

Responsible for writing and recording my own original song with the help of our Manager, a very talented musician as well as learning of performing 2 other songs. Requires strong collaboration skills to ensure cohesion and happiness among the members of the group, as well as time western ivey application essay and commitment to excellence. Required to lead the Marketing and Logistics Sub-committee in designing a plan for marketing the election.

Commitment to attend all meetings as well as all events involving elections, often multiple times a week. Created a marketing plan, including events, promotional material, and plan of action for the nomination, pledge to vote, voting and results periods, western ivey application essay. Requires a strong ability to pick up and retain choreography in short periods of time, for the long-term. Due to the limited time we have to learn dances, it is crucial to the integrity of the team that you attend all practices to ensure you are adequately prepared and that there is cohesion within the team, western ivey application essay.

This year the show will be donating all proceeds to Jack. org, western ivey application essay mental health organization which aims to revolutionize the way this generation thinks about and tackles mental health.

Weekly commitment to scene rehearsals as well as additional photoshoots and rehearsals leading up to the show. Model in the promotional photo and video shoot requiring me to work with the directors, western ivey application essay, photographers and other models to ensure we create the best promotional material possible, western ivey application essay.

Required a high-level of commitment due to regulations requiring a certain number of girls on the pitch at all times. Working with a year-old girl and year-old boy as a nanny while their parents were in Europe. Required a great deal of time organization and driving to ensure both children were accounted for and where they needed to be, including early morning swim practices.

If University Students Were Honest: PART 1

, time: 3:11

Ivey MBA Essays Help and Application Deadlines

western ivey application essay

Western Ivey HBA Supplemental Essay | Josephine Josephine, Richard Ivey Business School at Western University Class of *NOTE: since I applied the application has changed slightly, but this is a Apply for admission to Western or one of its affiliated university colleges through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) 2. Ivey Application. Apply for Ivey Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO) conditional pre-admission to the Ivey HBA Program (please do not use your high school email address). Complete Years 1 & 2 At Western. Progression standards are required to maintain your conditional acceptance. Ivey AEO Application Successful Western Ivey AEO Essays. These are successful college essays of students that were accepted to Western Ivey AEO. Use them to see what it takes to get into Ivey and other top schools and get inspiration for your own essay, supplements, and short answers. These successful Western Ivey essays include the Ivey Supplementary essays

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