Remember that you are not just writing to say something but to share an important lesson in life. 1. Think of an important event. What you will be writing on your reflective essay is something that is rooted in your own personal experience or encounter of something. Think deep and concentrate this essay on the assessment of pain, Raymet demonstrates her reflective writing skills near the end of her course. Raymet had by this stage written several reflective practice essays and gained good marks. This time though she was encouraged to deepen her reflections, speculating selectively on Reflective Essay: An Effective Learning Experience Essay Sample. I never have been confident with my writing skills. Although I have received above average grades in past writing courses, I have never been confident in the way I present my ideas on paper
Course Completion Reflective Essay - Free Paper Sample
Home — Essay Samples — Education — Reading — A Reflection on the Improvement in My Reading, Writing, example of a reflective essay on a course, and Learning. Through taking this class, I have significantly improved in my reading, writing, and learning! I have noticed these improvements several times as I have written assignments for other classes, as well as reading in general.
I have focused on my strengths and aimed to fix my weaknesses. This growth and expansion is unique to this semester for me. I have never felt as confident about these skills until completion of this course.
These skills will follow me into my future career, and I am appreciative of this opportunity. Prior to this course, I was not good at discovering hidden meanings and ideas in readings, and had many grammatical issues. Now, I have strengthened in both areas, thanks to the ideas and reflections presented in throughout the entire semester. Reading has always been a struggle for me. Not reading out loud, more finding the hidden themes and so forth in texts.
However, this course required that we read and analyze articles such as the one by Fallow. This weakness made these writings somewhat difficult. I had to read and research a lot, however, by doing so, I learned the proper mechanisms to complete such tasks. Now, I feel confident about putting the puzzle pieces together. I can more easily pick out the hidden themes and issues that authors include in their writings.
This is a great skill to master, and I am very fortunate to have such assignments that focus on enabling me to strengthen such weaknesses. Reading is not only about speaking, but also about how to find ideas and make sense of the presented materials.
Reading is very essential to the entire process, because once one is familiarized with proper reading techniquesthey can also improve in other areas such as writing. Through this class, my writing skills have also improved significantly. I have noticed these changes after my improvements in reading concluded. The two go together and one improves, the other follows. Initially, I dreaded writing. It is very hard to write when English is not your first language.
However, now I actually enjoy writing, and use it as a way to express my thoughts and ideas, example of a reflective essay on a course. Writing is one of the most important skills that any student can possess. If one is good in writing, they can change the world. I noticed, in my initial writings, I had many grammatical errors.
However, these instances are fewer now. Which I feel very proud to say. Grammar is very confusing, however, through revisions, and criticism, I have learned where my common mistakes were primarily. It was basically tense related, my errors, that is, example of a reflective essay on a course. I had a hard time deciphering which tense to use in sentences.
However, I have significantly improved in such cases. I have employed an entirely new thought process through these improvements. I have learned that sometimes criticism is needed. I have learned that we all have weaknesses and these should not bring us down. I have certainly gained a more proactive attitude towards improving in things that I have struggled with for a long time. Before this change, I use to have a negative though process. Each time I faced something I struggled with I would immediately dread it.
Now, when I think negatively, I can immediately reflect on more positive aspects, example of a reflective essay on a course. Like how example of a reflective essay on a course I have improved in all three of these skills. In the future, I hope that I can write and read at an expert level. This can be accomplished through reading and writing daily.
Practice does not make perfect, but it does lead to improvements. Revisions and peer based criticism is certainly needed through this process. This is how I realized the majority of my errors in both categories. In the future, I hope to carry over the many skills I have taken with me this semester, while also aiming for more enhancements. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails.
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Reflective Essay Example
, time: 7:38How to Write a Student Course Reflection Paper | The Classroom

Remember that you are not just writing to say something but to share an important lesson in life. 1. Think of an important event. What you will be writing on your reflective essay is something that is rooted in your own personal experience or encounter of something. Think deep and concentrate This essay example is written at a middle or high school level, reflecting on the arrival of a younger sibling. In my short life, there are many experiences that could qualify as life-changing. Every new experience was, at one time or another, the first experience. For good or bad, each instance changed the course that my life has taken 10/26/ · I have never felt as confident about these skills until completion of this course. These skills will follow me into my future career, and I am appreciative of this opportunity. Prior to this course, I was not good at discovering hidden meanings and ideas in readings, and had many grammatical issues
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